What is Ambush Marketing?

A definition of Ambush Marketing

“Ambush marketing is a strategic way for a company to advertise its brand during an event without having official sponsorship rights, often by associating its products with the event indirectly.”

Ambush Marketing in Business Glossary - What is an Ambush Marketing?

Business Glossary > What is Ambush Marketing?

Examples of Ambush Marketing in a Sentence:

Nike employed ambush marketing techniques during the Olympics.

Coca-Cola’s rival Pepsi used ambush marketing during the World Cup.

Sponsors face challenges from ambush marketing at major events.

Why is Ambush Marketing Important in Business?

Understanding ambush marketing helps companies competitively position themselves at major events where direct sponsorship is infeasible or unavailable. Additionally, it highlights the importance of protecting investment in official sponsorship to maintain brand associations.

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Associated Terms

Here are some associated business terms and synonyms for “Ambush Marketing”:

  • Guerrilla Marketing
  • Covert Advertising
  • Stealth Marketing

Pepsi Ambush Marketing

During the 1996 Cricket World Cup, Pepsi engaged in ambush marketing with its ‘Nothing Official About It’ campaign, capitalizing on the event’s attention despite rival Coca-Cola being the official sponsor. This increased brand visibility effectively.

Final Notes on Ambush Marketing

Companies should consider both ethical implications and consumer perceptions when using ambush marketing.

Also, evaluate potential backlash from event sponsors and legal considerations.

This has been a definition of Ambush Marketing meaning.

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